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IR Locator 360


The IR Locator detects the direction of IR light in every direction around the robot at a resolution of ±5°. Great for use with the IR Beacon and IR Ball.

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SKU: 45-2009 Category:


The IR Locator has four IR detectors facing forward, back, left, and right. The IR intensity received by each of these sensors allows the onboard processor (or PIC) to calculate the direction of the IR Light source to within 5 degrees. The IR Locator can be set to read 1200 or 600Hz IR Light.

Sensor Type: Four Wire I2C Sensor

Default 8-bit I2C Address: 0x1C

Arduino 7-bit I2C Address: 0x0E

Register Function
0x04 1200 Hz Heading in 5° increments
0x05 1200 Hz Signal Strength
0x06 600 Hz Heading in 5° increments
0x07   600 Hz Signal Strength

The heading value is returned in 5-degree increments from 0 to 71. If an object were to circle the sensor in a clockwise direction, the value of degrees will increase. If the object were to circle in a counter-clockwise direction, the value of the heading will decrease.

Android Studio Example Program

You will need both of the below files in the same program folder.


Modern Robotics IR Locator 360 Driver
Created 7/27/2017 by Colton Mehlhoff of Modern Robotics using FTC SDK 3.10
Reuse permitted with credit where credit is due

This class provides functions to use the IR Locator 360 https://modernroboticsinc.com/ir-locator-360
Support is available by emailing support@modernroboticsinc.com

package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode;

import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.HardwareMap;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.I2cAddr;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.I2cDevice;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.I2cDeviceSynch;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.I2cDeviceSynchImpl;

public class MRIIrLocator {

    private byte[] chache;

    private I2cDevice sensor;
    private I2cDeviceSynch reader;

    HardwareMap hwMap = null;

    public MRIIrLocator() {


    public void init(HardwareMap ahwMap, String cfgName) {
        init(ahwMap, cfgName, 0x1C); //Default I2C address for color beacon is 0x4c

    public void init(HardwareMap ahwMap, String cfgName, int i2cAddr8) {

        hwMap = ahwMap;

        sensor = hwMap.i2cDevice.get(cfgName);

        reader = new I2cDeviceSynchImpl(sensor, I2cAddr.create8bit(i2cAddr8), false);


    byte[] readAll(){
        chache = reader.read(0x00, 8);

        return chache;

    int heading1200hz(){
        return (reader.read8(0x04)&0xFF) * 5;

    int strength1200hz(){
        return reader.read8(0x05) & 0xFF;

    int heading600hz(){
        return (reader.read8(0x06) & 0xFF) * 5;

    int strength600hz(){
        return reader.read8(0x07) & 0xFF;
Modern Robotics IR Locator 360 Example
Created 7/27/2017 by Colton Mehlhoff of Modern Robotics using FTC SDK 3.10
Reuse permitted with credit where credit is due

I2CDevice "irl" (MRI IR Locator 360 with default I2C address 0x1C)

MRIIrLocator class must be in the same folder as this program. Download from https://modernroboticsinc.com/ir-locator-360

To change I2C Addresses, go to http://modernroboticsedu.com/mod/lesson/view.php?id=96
Support is available by emailing support@modernroboticsinc.com

package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode;

import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.TeleOp;

@TeleOp(name = "IR Locator Ex", group = "MRI")
public class MRI_Ir_Locator extends LinearOpMode {

    MRIIrLocator locator = new MRIIrLocator();

    public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException {
        telemetry.addData("Status", "Initialized");

        locator.init(hardwareMap, "irl");  //initializes the I2CDevice. Second parameter is the name of the sensor in the configuration file.


        while (opModeIsActive()) {

            telemetry.addData("Dir 1200", locator.heading1200hz());
            telemetry.addData("Dir 600", locator.heading600hz());
            telemetry.addData("Str 1200", locator.strength1200hz());
            telemetry.addData("Str 600", locator.strength600hz());

Additional information

Weight .0570 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 3.75 × 1.5 in